Focus on the
A great site for issues related to family, such as: marriage,
children, faithfulness, etc.
The Bible
A site to look up Bible verses, passages, or words. This site
includes a fully searchable database and includes nine different
Bible translations.
Family Life
Here is another site dedicated to family issues. It includes
articles about family related issues and allows you to listen
the Family Life radio broadcast from any of the last 30 days.
Vision International
An undergraduate and graduate Bible school that equips people
for service for Christ. The Tabernacle Church has a Vision Satellite
campus which is Harvest International School of MInistry.
A Christ-centered ministry dedicated to uniting men through
vital relationships with God, their families and each other
so they may become godly influences in their world.
of Faith
A ministry equipping women to reach out to others while also
helping women learn to walk in faith and experience joy in the
midst of their circumstances.
Gospel Communications
This site contains resources for the believer on multiple topics.
This site is a little difficult to navigate, but provides a
wealth of information.
Spotlight on the Movies
Provides reviews of all current and recent movies with content
descriptions and moral ratings (as well as the regular ratings).